A digital publication

Reflections With is an advocate for women in business and art; we raise awareness, representation and conversation

Reflections With Issue 01

A digital magazine of our first eight storytellers, sharing raw experiences and practical advice for others on the journey to leadership, hard-earned entrepreneurship and impact.

“Magazines had not caught up with the modern woman, so we decided to give these modern women a platform.”

— Melissa David, Reflections With Director

Recent Articles

Storytellers are selected for their abilities, experiences and impact in inspiring community, driving positive change and breaking the status quo to pave the way for others in their industries.

Reflections With storytellers are leaders, entrepreneurs and rule breakers.

“Community connection is our core value and what I’m most proud of.”

Michelle Andrews, Motus Life

“You never know who you’re going to meet or who you’ll become inspired by.”

Kel Jackson, Women’s Adventure ACT

“You don’t have to change the way you behave just because other people behave differently; in other words, you don’t have to change yourself just because of the status quo.”

Tiffany Dawson, Tiffany Dawson Coaching

Apply to be featured as a storyteller, share Reflections With as a business to your staff, or inquire for collaboration.